Awesome 2 the Max!!!

Sunday, April 24, 2011


I have a really important question???
What are some really good Disney Movies involving sports besides Football, basketball, track, basketball.
I do favor ones about soccer and hockey (whether it is ice or roller) 

thank you! I am really bored


Hey guys!!! I have some pretty bad news on my part. You know that story I have been working on (read my sorry post), it has ended. Yup! I was planning to have 7-8 chapters, but I have cancelled it on chapter 4 which was my awesome sleepover part. Pathetic, I know. This was because of the boring sound of it, no fun, not many interested, so yeah..... it's over. Man I was really looking forward to it because it would've been my 1st story ever created. I actually suck at writing. Thanks for listening!

~ Have a good 1

Awesome SONGS!!!

Hey jocks and preps and every1 who reads my blog! Thanks you for LTMR or listening to my rambling! Here are some awesome song to get you pumped up for sports games whether you are a fan OR player! ThX

Hey Ya! - Outkast ~ def. fave
I'm Shipping Up to Boston! 
WE WILL ROCK YOU - QUEEN ~ def. fave

here is the Calgary Flames warm up song ~ DEF> FAVE~~~~~~~~

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Goaltending Tips!

Hello everyone! As you may or may not know, I am very interested in goaltending in ice hockey (read the Sorry! post on my blog)! From reading and asking around, here are some awesome tips for all you aspiring goaltenders like me!

1. Make sure this is something you want to try!
~ Think about whether or not you want to commit. Goalie equipment in ice hockey can be quite expensive so if your family is willing to buy for you make sure that you are willing to commit and that you want to play this position for some time before getting off to a new thing. I am still thinking myself, but just take some time.

2. Prepare for the worst
~ In a lot of hockey games, goaltenders make GREAT saves. Pucks in the NHL fly an average of 100 mph. The goalie has sometimes as little as .36 seconds to locate a puck and then sometimes as little as a 10th of a second to react. But most of the time, (this is from a family member who plays as a goaltender) a little after your great save no one remembers what you did and might even BLAME you for a loss that night. So be ready for anything!!!!! 

3. OWWW!!!!!!
~ As a goaltender, you will have to risk you own bodily injury in order to stop an inanimate mass of vulcanized rubber flying at a well hit 70-100 mph pace. You WILL get hurt!!! Whether it is a pulled muscle or a cut. BE CAREFUL AT ALL TIMES!!!!! Always strap up and never forget a single piece of equipment because that could change the face of the words safety vs. ER. AND!!! if you play ICE HOCKEY please watch out for skates. Remember! You might have a whole ton of pads on, but you are still in a rink full of crazy dudes flying around you with knives on the bottoms of their shoes. BE CAREFUL!!!

Thank you SO MUCH for listening. Here are just some tips I have gotten from all of you and some people in my family who play hockey for fun!!! I am still deciding on whether this is right for me, but always remember that if you don't like it, you can ALWAYS go out for something else! Maybe you could be reading this and think that this is your life's destiny but 10 years later you end up being the star Forward for the Penguins! Who knows? Thanks for listening to my rambling!

Friday, April 22, 2011

Sorry Guys!!!

Hey guys!!! Sorry i have not been blogging for quite some time!!!! AHHH!!! I have just been so busy. I am trying to get on to ice hockey as a goaltender! and I have been working on this awesome story! I would like to show you guys my short story, but it includes characters based on my friends and i don't think that their parents want them to be advertised and stuff :(.... BUT I will be posting up some cool videos of me and my friends messing around. Have fun! Please bare with me when it comes to blogging! Trying my best!

- Have a good 1!

Sunday, April 3, 2011


hey peeps!!! i really need all of you bloggers' help~~~

So the question is (mental drum roll)...... what song should i sing for my middle school talent show!!!!
well not exactly me singing. i am just playing drum set to the song, but my friends and i obviously need to rehearse, so here are some of our choices~~~

Gives you hell ~ All American rejects
All Star ~ Smashmouth
American Idiot ~ Green Day

thanks peeps!!! please comment and tell me some more suggestions!!!

Saturday, March 19, 2011


hey! here are some good "truth" things to ask during a little game of truth or dare for middle schoolers (6-8th grade)!!!

Do you have a boy/girl friend?
Name you best friend?
Best teacher
Worst teacher
Most hated student
If you had to award 1 person a "class-CLOWN award", who would it be?
Who is the BIGGEST teacher's pet?
Explain your biggest fear!

Dare you to go in front of a group of girly girls and shout "WASP!!!!"
Run around the oldest or youngest kids of you school and play ring around the rosie
Ask out the youngest kid in school! (if you ARE the youngest kid in school, ask out the oldest)
Do the chicken dance in front of at least 3 teachers
Ask someone you don't know out, then dump them exactly 14 minutes later!!!
Show us a baby pic
Tell your most embarrassing moment from childhood

Hope you enjoy! if you do NOT want to do anything regarding dating, I have included some that don't have anything to do with that matter!!! have fun!!!